Abstraction in PHP

Data Abstraction is the most important features of any OOPS programming language. It shows only useful information, remaining are hidden form the end user. Abstraction is the any representation of data in which the implementation details are hidden (abstracted).

Example 1

abstract class Animal  
public $name;  
public $age;  
public function Describe()  
return $this->name . ", " . $this->age . " years old";      
abstract public function Greet();  
class cat extends Animal  
public function Greet()  
return "Lion!";      
public function Describe()  
return parent::Describe() . ", and I'm a cat!";      
$animal = new cat();  
$animal->name = "seru";  
$animal->age = 5;  
echo $animal->Describe();  
echo $animal->Greet();  


Seru 5 years old, i’m a cat!Lion!

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