
Kotlin is a relatively new programming language developed by JetBrains for modern multiplatform applications. Nowadays, Kotlin is widely used for Android development instead of Java. It is because Kotlin is safe, concise, and fun to read and write.

Features of Kotlin Programming

Open Source

Kotlin is distributed under Apache License, Version 2.0. The Kompiler (Kotlin compiler), IntelliJ IDEA plugin, enhancements to basic Java libraries and build tools all are open source.

Interoperable with Java and Android

It is 100% interoperable with Java and Android. This means all your current Java/Android code works seamlessly with Kotlin.

Concise and Expressive

Rough estimation indicates that using Kotlin allows you to cut off the lines of code by approximately 40% (compared to Java).

Expressive means, it’s easy to write code that both humans and compilers can understand easily.

Easy to Learn

Learning Kotlin is easy if you know other programming languages like Java, Scala, Groovy, C#, Javascript and Gosu.


Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, a company renowned for creating development tools for professionals. No wonder, it is tool-friendly.


Kotlin is a statically types language. Hence, the type checking occurs at compile-time as opposed to run-time and trivial bugs are caught at an early stage.

Present and Future of Kotlin


  • Many companies like Netflix, Uber, Trello, Pinterest, Corda, etc are using Kotlin (along with other programming languages) to create applications.
  • Google’s Android team announced Kotlin as an official language for Android app development.
  • You can replace Java code with Kotlin seamlessly. It is 100% interoperable with Java and Android.


Possible future projects in Kotlin are:

  • Cross-platform game development
  • Cross-platform mobile application development
  • Server-side and microservices
  • Data analysis and machine learning
  • Embedded system: Arduino/Raspberry Pi to professional controllers directly

About Kotlin Programming

  • Open Source – The Kotlin compiler, Intellij IDEA plugin, and build tools are all open source.
  • Interoperable – Kotlin is 100 percent interoperable with Java. This means all your current Java/Android code works seamlessly with Kotlin.
  • Concise – Compared to Java, Kotlin code are much more concise. Also, Kotlin code is much more expressive (easier to understand and write).
  • Tool-friendly – Kotlin is developed by JetBrains, the company renowned for creating development tools. You can choose any Java IDE to write Koltin code.

Why Learn Kotlin?

  • Kotlin is 100 percent interoperable with Java. Hence your Java/Android code works with Kotlin.
  • Kotlin allows you to cut off the lines of code by approximately 40% (compared to Java).
  • Learning Kotlin is easy. It is particularly easy if you already know Java.
  • Kotlin is tool-friendly. You can use any Java IDE or command line to run Kotlin.