
  • An interface is similar to a class except that it cannot contain code.
  • An interface can define method names and arguments, but not the contents of the methods.
  • Any classes implementing an interface must implement all methods defined by the interface.
  • A class can implement multiple interfaces.
  • An interface is declared using the “interface” keyword.
  • Interfaces can’t maintain Non-abstract methods.

Example 1

    interface a  
        public function dis1();  
    interface b  
        public function dis2();  
class demo implements a,b  
    public function dis1()  
        echo "method 1...";  
    public function dis2()  
        echo "method2...";  
$obj= new demo();  


method 1…method 2…

Example 2


    interface i1  
        public function fun1();  
    interface i2  
        public function fun2();  
class cls1 implements i1,i2  
    function fun1()  
        echo "protutorials";  
    function fun2()  
        echo "tech";  
$obj= new cls1();  

