Python Anonymous Function

In this article, you’ll learn about the anonymous function, also known as lambda functions. You’ll learn what they are, their syntax and how to use them (with examples).

What are lambda functions in Python?

In Python, an anonymous function is a function that is defined without a name.

While normal functions are defined using the def keyword in Python, anonymous functions are defined using the lambda keyword.

Hence, anonymous functions are also called lambda functions.

How to use lambda Functions in Python?

A lambda function in python has the following syntax.

Syntax of Lambda Function in python

lambda arguments: expression

Lambda functions can have any number of arguments but only one expression. The expression is evaluated and returned. Lambda functions can be used wherever function objects are required.

Example of Lambda Function in python

Here is an example of lambda function that doubles the input value.

# Program to show the use of lambda functions
double = lambda x: x * 2




In the above program, lambda x: x * 2 is the lambda function. Here x is the argument and x * 2 is the expression that gets evaluated and returned.

This function has no name. It returns a function object which is assigned to the identifier double. We can now call it as a normal function. The statement

double = lambda x: x * 2

is nearly the same as:

def double(x):
   return x * 2

Use of Lambda Function in python

We use lambda functions when we require a nameless function for a short period of time.

In Python, we generally use it as an argument to a higher-order function (a function that takes in other functions as arguments). Lambda functions are used along with built-in functions like filter()map() etc.

Example use with filter()

The filter() function in Python takes in a function and a list as arguments.

The function is called with all the items in the list and a new list is returned which contains items for which the function evaluates to True.

Here is an example use of filter() function to filter out only even numbers from a list.

# Program to filter out only the even items from a list
my_list = [1, 5, 4, 6, 8, 11, 3, 12]

new_list = list(filter(lambda x: (x%2 == 0) , my_list))



[4, 6, 8, 12]

Example use with map()

The map() function in Python takes in a function and a list.

The function is called with all the items in the list and a new list is returned which contains items returned by that function for each item.

Here is an example use of map() function to double all the items in a list.

# Program to double each item in a list using map()

my_list = [1, 5, 4, 6, 8, 11, 3, 12]

new_list = list(map(lambda x: x * 2 , my_list))



[2, 10, 8, 12, 16, 22, 6, 24]

Python Functions

In this article, you’ll learn about functions, what a function is, the syntax, components, and types of functions. Also, you’ll learn to create a function in Python.

What is a function in Python?

In Python, a function is a group of related statements that performs a specific task.

Functions help break our program into smaller and modular chunks. As our program grows larger and larger, functions make it more organized and manageable.

Furthermore, it avoids repetition and makes the code reusable.

Syntax of Function

def function_name(parameters):

Above shown is a function definition that consists of the following components.

  1. Keyword def that marks the start of the function header.
  2. A function name to uniquely identify the function. Function naming follows the same rules of writing identifiers in Python.
  3. Parameters (arguments) through which we pass values to a function. They are optional.
  4. A colon (:) to mark the end of the function header.
  5. Optional documentation string (docstring) to describe what the function does.
  6. One or more valid python statements that make up the function body. Statements must have the same indentation level (usually 4 spaces).
  7. An optional return statement to return a value from the function.

Example of a function

def greet(name):
    This function greets to
    the person passed in as
    a parameter
    print("Hello, " + name + ". Good morning!")

How to call a function in python?

Once we have defined a function, we can call it from another function, program or even the Python prompt. To call a function we simply type the function name with appropriate parameters.

>>> greet('Paul')
Hello, Paul. Good morning!

Note: Try running the above code in the Python program with the function definition to see the output.

def greet(name):
    This function greets to
    the person passed in as
    a parameter
    print("Hello, " + name + ". Good morning!")



The first string after the function header is called the docstring and is short for documentation string. It is briefly used to explain what a function does.

Although optional, documentation is a good programming practice. Unless you can remember what you had for dinner last week, always document your code.

In the above example, we have a docstring immediately below the function header. We generally use triple quotes so that docstring can extend up to multiple lines. This string is available to us as the __doc__ attribute of the function.

For example:

Try running the following into the Python shell to see the output.

>>> print(greet.__doc__)

    This function greets to
    the person passed in as
    a parameter

The return statement

The return statement is used to exit a function and go back to the place from where it was called.

Syntax of return

return [expression_list]

This statement can contain an expression that gets evaluated and the value is returned. If there is no expression in the statement or the return statement itself is not present inside a function, then the function will return the None object.

For example:

>>> print(greet("May"))
Hello, May. Good morning!

Here, None is the returned value since greet() directly prints the name and no return statement is used.

Example of return

def absolute_value(num):
    """This function returns the absolute
    value of the entered number"""

    if num >= 0:
        return num
        return -num





How Function works in Python?

How function works in Python?
Working of functions in Python

Scope and Lifetime of variables

Scope of a variable is the portion of a program where the variable is recognized. Parameters and variables defined inside a function are not visible from outside the function. Hence, they have a local scope.

The lifetime of a variable is the period throughout which the variable exits in the memory. The lifetime of variables inside a function is as long as the function executes.

They are destroyed once we return from the function. Hence, a function does not remember the value of a variable from its previous calls.

Here is an example to illustrate the scope of a variable inside a function.

def my_func():
	x = 10
	print("Value inside function:",x)

x = 20
print("Value outside function:",x)


Value inside function: 10
Value outside function: 20

Here, we can see that the value of x is 20 initially. Even though the function my_func() changed the value of x to 10, it did not affect the value outside the function.

This is because the variable x inside the function is different (local to the function) from the one outside. Although they have the same names, they are two different variables with different scopes.

On the other hand, variables outside of the function are visible from inside. They have a global scope.

We can read these values from inside the function but cannot change (write) them. In order to modify the value of variables outside the function, they must be declared as global variables using the keyword global.

Types of Functions

Basically, we can divide functions into the following two types:

  1. Built-in functions – Functions that are built into Python.
  2. User-defined functions – Functions defined by the users themselves.

C++ Call by Reference: Using pointers

In this article, you’ll learn to pass pointers as an argument to the function, and use it efficiently in your program.

In C++ Functions article, you learned about passing arguments to a function. This method used is called passing by value because the actual value is passed.

However, there is another way of passing an argument to a function where where the actual value of the argument is not passed. Instead, only the reference to that value is passed.

Example 1: Passing by reference without pointers

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function prototype
void swap(int&, int&);

int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2;
    cout << "Before swapping" << endl;
    cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "b = " << b << endl;

    swap(a, b);

    cout << "\nAfter swapping" << endl;
    cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "b = " << b << endl;

    return 0;

void swap(int& n1, int& n2) {
    int temp;
    temp = n1;
    n1 = n2;
    n2 = temp;


Before swapping
a = 1
b = 2

After swapping
a = 2
b = 1

In main(), two integer variables a and b are defined. And those integers are passed to a function swap() by reference.

Compiler can identify this is pass by reference because function definition is void swap(int& n1, int& n2) (notice the & sign after data type).

Only the reference (address) of the variables a and b are received in the swap() function and swapping takes place in the original address of the variables.

In the swap() function, n1 and n2 are formal arguments which are actually same as variables a and b respectively.

There is another way of doing this same exact task using pointers.

Example 2: Passing by reference using pointers

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Function prototype
void swap(int*, int*);

int main()
    int a = 1, b = 2;
    cout << "Before swapping" << endl;
    cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "b = " << b << endl;

    swap(&a, &b);

    cout << "\nAfter swapping" << endl;
    cout << "a = " << a << endl;
    cout << "b = " << b << endl;
    return 0;

void swap(int* n1, int* n2) {
    int temp;
    temp = *n1;
    *n1 = *n2;
    *n2 = temp;

The output of this example is same as before.

In this case, the address of variable is passed during function call rather than the variable itself.

swap(&a, &b); // &a is address of a and &b is address of b

Since the address is passed instead of value, dereference operator must be used to access the value stored in that address.

void swap(int* n1, int* n2) { 
 ... .. ...

The *n1 and *n2 gives the value stored at address n1 and n2 respectively.

Since n1 contains the address of a, anything done to *n1 changes the value of a in main() function as well. Similarly, b will have same value as *n2.

C++ Structure and Function

In this article, you’ll find relevant examples to pass structures as an argument to a function, and use them in your program.

Structure variables can be passed to a function and returned in a similar way as normal arguments.

Passing structure to function in C++

A structure variable can be passed to a function in similar way as normal argument. Consider this example:

Example 1: C++ Structure and Function

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Person
    char name[50];
    int age;
    float salary;

void displayData(Person);   // Function declaration

int main()
    Person p;

    cout << "Enter Full name: ";
    cin.get(, 50);
    cout << "Enter age: ";
    cin >> p.age;
    cout << "Enter salary: ";
    cin >> p.salary;

    // Function call with structure variable as an argument

    return 0;

void displayData(Person p)
    cout << "\nDisplaying Information." << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << << endl;
    cout <<"Age: " << p.age << endl;
    cout << "Salary: " << p.salary;


Enter Full name: Bill Jobs
Enter age: 55
Enter salary: 34233.4

Displaying Information.
Name: Bill Jobs
Age: 55
Salary: 34233.4

In this program, user is asked to enter the nameage and salary of a Person inside main() function.

Then, the structure variable p is to passed to a function using.


The return type of displayData() is void and a single argument of type structure Person is passed.

Then the members of structure p is displayed from this function.

Example 2: Returning structure from function in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

struct Person {
    char name[50];
    int age;
    float salary;

Person getData(Person); 
void displayData(Person); 

int main()

    Person p;

    p = getData(p);   

    return 0;

Person getData(Person p) {

    cout << "Enter Full name: ";
    cin.get(, 50);

    cout << "Enter age: ";
    cin >> p.age;

    cout << "Enter salary: ";
    cin >> p.salary;

    return p;

void displayData(Person p)
    cout << "\nDisplaying Information." << endl;
    cout << "Name: " << << endl;
    cout <<"Age: " << p.age << endl;
    cout << "Salary: " << p.salary;

The output of this program is same as program above.

In this program, the structure variable p of type structure Person is defined under main() function.

The structure variable p is passed to getData() function which takes input from user which is then returned to main function.

p = getData(p); 

Note: The value of all members of a structure variable can be assigned to another structure using assignment operator = if both structure variables are of same type. You don’t need to manually assign each members.

Then the structure variable p is passed to displayData() function, which displays the information.

C++ Functions

In this tutorial, we will learn about the C++ function and function expressions with the help of examples.

A function is a block of code that performs a specific task.

Suppose we need to create a program to create a circle and color it. We can create two functions to solve this problem:

  • a function to draw the circle
  • a function to color the circle

Dividing a complex problem into smaller chunks makes our program easy to understand and reusable.

There are two types of function:

  1. Standard Library Functions: Predefined in C++
  2. User-defined Function: Created by users

In this tutorial, we will focus mostly on user-defined functions.

C++ User-defined Function

C++ allows the programmer to define their own function.

A user-defined function groups code to perform a specific task and that group of code is given a name (identifier).

When the function is invoked from any part of the program, it all executes the codes defined in the body of the function.

C++ Function Declaration

The syntax to declare a function is:

returnType functionName (parameter1, parameter2,...) {
    // function body   

Here’s an example of a function declaration.

// function declaration
void greet() {
    cout << "Hello World";


  • the name of the function is greet()
  • the return type of the function is void
  • the empty parentheses mean it doesn’t have any parameters
  • the function body is written inside {}

Note: We will learn about returnType and parameters later in this tutorial.

Calling a Function

In the above program, we have declared a function named greet(). To use the greet() function, we need to call it.

Here’s how we can call the above greet() function.

int main() {
    // calling a function   

Working of C++ function
How Function works in C++

Example 1: Display a Text

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// declaring a function
void greet() {
    cout << "Hello there!";

int main() {

    // calling the function

    return 0;

Run Code


Hello there!

Function Parameters

As mentioned above, a function can be declared with parameters (arguments). A parameter is a value that is passed when declaring a function.

For example, let us consider the function below:

void printNum(int num) {
    cout << num;

Here, the int variable num is the function parameter.

We pass a value to the function parameter while calling the function.

int main() {
    int n = 7;
    // calling the function
    // n is passed to the function as argument
    return 0;

Example 2: Function with Parameters

// program to print a text

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// display a number
void displayNum(int n1, float n2) {
    cout << "The int number is " << n1;
    cout << "The double number is " << n2;

int main() {
     int num1 = 5;
     double num2 = 5.5;

    // calling the function
    displayNum(num1, num2);

    return 0;

Run Code


The int number is 5
The double number is 5.5

In the above program, we have used a function that has one int parameter and one double parameter.

We then pass num1 and num2 as arguments. These values are stored by the function parameters n1 and n2 respectively.

C++ function with parameters
C++ function with parameters

Note: The type of the arguments passed while calling the function must match with the corresponding parameters defined in the function declaration.

Return Statement

In the above programs, we have used void in the function declaration. For example,

void displayNumber() {
    // code

This means the function is not returning any value.

It’s also possible to return a value from a function. For this, we need to specify the returnType of the function during function declaration.

Then, the return statement can be used to return a value from a function.

For example,

int add (int a, int b) {
   return (a + b);

Here, we have the data type int instead of void. This means that the function returns an int value.

The code return (a + b); returns the sum of the two parameters as the function value.

The return statement denotes that the function has ended. Any code after return inside the function is not executed.

Example 3: Add Two Numbers

// program to add two numbers using a function

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// declaring a function
int add(int a, int b) {
    return (a + b);

int main() {

    int sum;
    // calling the function and storing
    // the returned value in sum
    sum = add(100, 78);

    cout << "100 + 78 = " << sum << endl;

    return 0;

Run Code


100 + 78 = 178

In the above program, the add() function is used to find the sum of two numbers.

We pass two int literals 100 and 78 while calling the function.

We store the returned value of the function in the variable sum, and then we print it.

Working of C++ Function with return statement
Working of C++ Function with return statement

Notice that sum is a variable of int type. This is because the return value of add() is of int type.

Function Prototype

In C++, the code of function declaration should be before the function call. However, if we want to define a function after the function call, we need to use the function prototype. For example,

// function prototype
void add(int, int);

int main() {
    // calling the function before declaration.
    add(5, 3);
    return 0;

// function definition
add(int a, int b) {
    cout < (a + n);

In the above code, the function prototype is:

void add(int, int);

This provides the compiler with information about the function name and its parameters. That’s why we can use the code to call a function before the function has been defined.

The syntax of a function prototype is:

returnType functionName(dataType1, dataType2, ...);

Example 4: C++ Function Prototype

// using function definition after main() function
// function prototype is declared before main()

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

// function prototype
int add(int, int);

int main() {
    int sum;

    // calling the function and storing
    // the returned value in sum
    sum = add(100, 78);

    cout << "100 + 78 = " << sum << endl;

    return 0;

// function definition
int add(int a, int b) {
    return (a + b);

Run Code


100 + 78 = 178

The above program is nearly identical to Example 3. The only difference is that here, the function is defined after the function call.

That’s why we have used a function prototype in this example.

Benefits of Using User-Defined Functions

  • Functions make the code reusable. We can declare them once and use them multiple times.
  • Functions make the program easier as each small task is divided into a function.
  • Functions increase readability.

C++ Library Functions

Library functions are the built-in functions in C++ programming.

Programmers can use library functions by invoking the functions directly; they don’t need to write the functions themselves.

Some common library functions in C++ are sqrt()abs()isdigit(), etc.

In order to use library functions, we usually need to include the header file in which these library functions are defined.

For instance, in order to use mathematical functions such as sqrt() and abs(), we need to include the header file cmath.

Example 5: C++ Program to Find the Square Root of a Number

#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    double number, squareRoot;
    number = 25.0;

    // sqrt() is a library function to calculate the square root
    squareRoot = sqrt(number);

    cout << "Square root of " << number << " = " << squareRoot;

    return 0;

Run Code


Square root of 25 = 5

In this program, the sqrt() library function is used to calculate the square root of a number.

The function declaration of sqrt() is defined in the cmath header file. That’s why we need to use the code #include <cmath> to use the sqrt() function.

To learn more, visit C++ Standard Library functions.