Top 10 PHP frameworks

A PHP framework is a platform which allows a web developer to develop the web application. In simple words, it provides a structure to develop web application. These frameworks save lots of time, stop rewriting the repeated code and provide rapid application development (RAD). PHP frameworks help the developers to rapid development of application by providing the structure.

Following a list of top 10 PHP frameworks is given below:

Top 10 PHP frameworks
  1. Laravel Framework
  2. CodeIgniter Framework
  3. Symfony Framework
  4. Zend Framework
  5. CakePHP Framework
  6. Phalcon Framework
  7. Yii Framework
  8. Slim Framework
  9. FuelPHP Framework
  10. PHPixie Framework

1. Laravel

Laravel is an open-source web application framework which released in June 2011. It is developed by Taylor Otwell. Laravel is very popular because it handles complex web applications more securely and faster than other frameworks. Laravel makes lots of common tasks of web projects much easier, such as authenticationsessionrouting, and caching, etc.

The main goal of Laravel is to make web development easy and best for the developers without sacrificing application functionality. It provides powerful tools which are necessary for large and robust application. An inversion of control container, tightly integrated unit testing support, and expression migration system provides the tools that help to build any application with which we are tasked.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Laravel Framework

Laravel follows the MVC design pattern. It offers the following benefits that are given below:

  • Laravel makes web application scalable and more secure than other frameworks.
  • It includes interfaces and namespace, which helps to organize and manage resources.
  • Laravel reuse the components from the other frameworks in web application development that saves the time of developer to design the web application.
  • Website designed in Laravel is easy, secure, and protects from several web attacks.
  • It supports automation testing, which saves lots of time.
  • Laravel uses its own template engine called Blade and ORM called Eloquent.

Disadvantage of Laravel Framework

  • Legacy systems do not easily transfer to Laravel.
  • Some upgrades might be problematic in Laravel
  • Methods like reverse routing and caching are complex.

2. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is an application development framework with small footprints which makes it much faster than other frameworks. It was released on February 28, 2006, by EllisLab. It minimizes the size of code needed for a given task and provides easy solutions to the complex coding problems.

CodeIgniter is not totally based on the MVC framework. It is one of the oldest frameworks with faster and high performance. We can develop projects much faster than a scratch, as it provides a large set of libraries, simple interface, and logical structure to access these libraries. It can be easily installed, and it requires minimal user configuration.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of CodeIgniter Framework

  • CodeIgniter is an open-source and lightweight framework.
  • CodeIgniter is faster with database tasks than compared to other frameworks.
  • It is easy to install and well documented, so it is good for PHP beginners.
  • It offers built-in security tools.
  • CodeIgniter provides exceptional performance.
  • CodeIgniter offers some features that help to protect web application with security threats such as SQL injection, remote code execution, and cross-site scripting attack.

Disadvantage of CodeIgniter Framework

  • CodeIgniter does not support modular code separation. Hence, developers need to put extra effort and time to maintain the code.
  • It is the only PHP based but not object-oriented in some parts.
  • CodeIgniter has no built-in ORM.
  • It has fewer tools and built-in libraries than other frameworks.

3. Symfony

Symfony is another popular framework which was introduced on October 22, 2005, by Fabian Potencier. It is released under MIT license. It is a set of PHP components to create websites and web application. Symfony framework is a perfect choice among frameworks to develop large-scale enterprise projects.

Symfony is an open-source framework of PHP which is sponsored by SensioLabs. This framework is designed for developers who create a full-featured web application. Lots of open source projects like Drupal, Composer, and phpBB use Symfony components. Symfony integrates with PHP Unit and independent library. Symfony framework is flexible and handles enterprise application with billions of connections. It is used to build micro-sites.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Symfony Framework

  • Symfony is a flexible and powerful framework.
  • As Symfony is an open-source framework, it allows us to develop without any constraint.
  • It prevents from web attacks and SQL injection.
  • Symfony framework provides code reusability and easy maintenance.
  • It maintains complete, clearly written, well-structured, and up-to-date documentation.

Disadvantage of Symfony Framework

  • Symfony framework needs more efforts to learn than other frameworks such as Laravel and Yii.
  • Security is a bit hard in the Symfony framework.
  • File parsing is difficult to handle in Symfony framework.
  • Performance and speed are the main drawbacks of it.
  • Large-scale applications are developed using Symfony rather than small-scale.

4. Zend Framework

Zend is an open-source, web application framework, which is developed on March 3, 2006. It is a collection of 60+ packages which is available on GitHub and can be installed via composer. Zend is pure object-oriented, which is developed on the basis of the MVC design pattern. Zend was developed in agile methodology that helps to deliver a high-quality application to the enterprise client.

IBMGoogle Microsoft, and Adobe are the partners of Zend. There are many features comes with Zend Framework version 2 such as drag and drop editor with front-end technology support (HTML, JavaScript, CSS), cryptographic coding toolPHP Unit testing toolinstant online debugging, and a connected database wizard.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Zend Framework

  1. Zend is highly customizable framework. Performance of Zend Framework version 3 is four times higher than its previous version.
  2. We can easily test the framework because PHPUnit is integrated with Zend.
  3. Zend has a large community base, and it is well-documented.
  4. We can delete modules and components which has no use in the application.
  5. We can use the components of our own choice.
  6. It supports multiple databases, such as MySQLPostgreSQLMicrosoft SQL, and Oracle.

Disadvantage of Zend Framework

  • Zend Framework is heavy and huge as it has a larger set of libraries, components, and classes.
  • Cost of plug-ins of Zend Framework is higher than other frameworks.
  • It has large documentation with minimal detail of the framework, hence documentation is hard to use as a guideline for the whole development of the project.

5. CakePHP

CakePHP is a web development framework of PHP which was released on April 2005, and it is licensed under the MIT License. It is based on MVC (Model View Controller) architecture and follows ORM techniques. CakePHP 3 is running on PHP 7.3 version. It has excellent speed, security, and reliability. CakePHP is an open-source framework, hence it is free to use.

CakePHP offers several features, such as SQL injection preventionCross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protectionForm tampering Validationgood documentation, and cross-scripting platform (XSS) prevention. It has a set of conventions which guide while developing the application. Due to CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) framework, it is one of the easiest frameworks to learn. It powers BMWExpress, and Hyundai websites.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of CakePHP

  • It follows ORM (Object Relational Mapping) techniques which help developers to create a good query and as well as code.
  • It provides plug-in support to keep the code clean and graceful.
  • CakePHP allows the developer to create reusable code, so it is not required to write new code all the time, thus it saves lots of time and effort.
  • Most of the developers prefer the CakePHP because of easy debugging and testing of any application.
  • CakePHP provides built-in security features and authentication that protect the application more than other frameworks.

Disadvantage of CakePHP

  • It is a slowest performing framework.
  • It is best for the small and medium project rather than large.
  • One-way routing in CakePHP is often a disadvantage compared to other frameworks like Rails and Ruby.
  • While using CakePHP, we have to update the default routes for creating effective URLs, which required more work than other frameworks.
  • Documentation is not good. It needs improvement.

6. Phalcon

Phalcon is a full-stack web framework which is written as a C-extension. It is released on November 14, 2012, and licensed under the BSD License. Phalcon framework is developed by Andres Gutierrez and his group of collaborators. Phalcon is a combination of C and PHP language, but developers do not need to learn C to use Phalcon.

It is an open-source framework which is based on MVC (Model View Controller) design pattern. Phalcon provides equal support to both relational and non-relational databases. It is the first framework that implements the ORM technique in C language. Phalcon is a loosely coupled framework.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Phalcon

  • Installation of Phalcon framework is easy, and it is suitable for developing a highly configurable web application.
  • It provides several features, such as asset management, a universal auto-loader, translation, security, and caching.
  • Phalcon is well-documented and easy to learn.
  • Applications designed using Phalcon framework are highly secured.
  • Phalcon is a loosely coupled framework so as per application requirement the developer can build a project with a directory structure.

Disadvantage of Phalcon

  • It cannot run on shared hosting.
  • It is not as much as popular like other frameworks. Many developers are not aware with the Phalcon framework.
  • Developer should have knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript before starting development with the Phalcon framework.

7. Yii

Yii is a high performance, open-source framework of PHP for rapidly developing web applications. Yii is pronounced as Yee or [ji:], which means “Simple and Evolutionary” in Chinese. It also stands for Yes it is! Yii is a universal web programming framework because it is suitable for all kind of web application. It is built around Model-View-Controller.

Yii is a component-based PHP framework. It is suitable for large-scale application development such as forumsE-commerce projectsContent management system (CMS), and portals, etc., because of its component-based architecture and sophisticated caching support. Yii is a secure, fast, efficient, and pure object-oriented.

Yii version 2 comes with a set of AJAX-enabled features and also integrated with jQuery.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Yii

  • It offers the maximum functionality by adding the minimum possible overhead.
  • Yii is very efficient as we can write simple and more code in less time.
  • Using Yii framework developer can easily create an application in a very short time.
  • This framework is highly secured and provides excellent support for third-party components.

Disadvantage of Yii

  • The developer needs to know the basics of OOP because Yii is a pure object-oriented programming framework.
  • There is less number of experts of Yii frameworks as compared to other frameworks.
  • Yii framework does not provide AR queries.
  • While developing applications, Yii seeks more attention from the developer.

8. Slim Framework

Slim is a micro framework of PHP that helps to develop simple and powerful web application and APIs quickly. It is developed and maintained by Josh LockhartRob AllenAndrew Smith, and their team. Slim’s creator was inspired by Sinatra micro framework of Ruby. It is a lightweight framework.

Slim, which is a micro framework, is suitable to create a CRUD application with PHP for small-scale rather than a full-stack framework. Slim is a perfect tool for rapid prototyping. We can create full-featured web applications with the user interface. As Slim is a dispatcher, it receives HTTP requests, invokes a callback routine, and returns an HTTP response.

Slim offers several features such as Client-side HTTP cachingURL routingsession, and cookie encryption, and flash messages.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of Slim Framework

  • Slim is easy to learn like PHPixie. It is used to develop RESTful APIs and web services.
  • It is an excellent framework for developing a small web application with great functionalities.
  • We get complete control of external tools because Slim supports dependency injection.
  • We can inspect and manipulate HTTP message method, URI, status, headers, body, and the cookie because Slim supports any PSR-7 HTTP message implementation.

Disadvantage of Slim Framework

  • It is required to learn the different version of Slim to work on them.
  • It just a configurable container, not dependency injection, i.e., dependency injection is too weak.
  • We need to have strong bases of patterns and extreme knowledge of libraries to convert it into a Slim dependency.
  • It is not beneficial for long-running projects.

9. FuelPHP

FuelPHP is an open-source PHP framework build with advanced functionalities. Dan Horrigan started the FuelPHP framework at the end of 2010, after that Phil SturgeonHarro Verton, Jelmer Schreuder, and Frank de Jonge joined the team immediately. Steve West joined the team in 2013, and after that in 2014, Mark Sagi-Kazar joined.

FuelPHP is a flexible, easy, and community-driven PHP web framework. It is an MVC (Model-View-Controller) framework which is extremely portable framework so it can work on almost any server. FuelPHP have full HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) implementation.

Note: FuelPHP is supported by the above version of PHP 5.3.

Top 10 PHP frameworks

Advantage of FuelPHP

  • FuelPHP offers a utility called “Oil” which is designed to help in fast development, increase efficiency, and also assist debugging and testing.
  • It supports CSRF prevention with tokens, Query Builder, and input filtering that assists us in preventing from SQL injection attack.
  • We can provide more functionality into packages that extend the FuelPHP core.
  • Using powerful PHPSecLib, it handles encryption, decryption, and hashing.
  • It offers full-featured RBAC authentication, which is based on ORM and secure hashing function for passwords including (PBKDF2).

Disadvantage of FuelPHP

  • The developer needs to learn each time when a new version releases because the documentation guides keep on changing.
  • The developers have to learn ahead for effective use of FuelPHP.
  • It is not friendly for beginners.
  • The developer’s community is not much active with FuelPHP as with other frameworks.

10. PHPixie

Top 10 PHP frameworks

PHPixie is an open-source PHP framework which was introduced in 2012. It is easy to use and requires fewer configurations. The main goal of this framework is creating a high-performance framework for read-only websites. Like the FuelPHP framework, it also implements the HMVC (Hierarchical Model-View-Controller) design pattern.

PHPixie is built by using independent components which can be used with the framework itself. These components are 100% unit tested and require minimum dependency. It is a lightweight framework which supports MongoDB database. PHPixie offers some features such as input validationORM cachingauthentication, and authorization capabilities.

Advantage of PHPixie

  • PHPixie is good for social networking websites, web application development services, and customized web applications.
  • It is built by using independent components so that we can use it without the framework itself.
  • Experienced in CodeIgniter or Kohana can easily understand and learn it.
  • It provides more adaptability, as everything is effortlessly expandable, over-ridable, and simple to learn.
  • PHPixie offers a full-stack framework that focuses on effectiveness.

Disadvantage of PHPixie

  • It is not as much as popular compared to other frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, Zend, etc.
  • It provides fewer modules.

15 of the Most Beautiful Places In The Philippines

Picture this: You’ve landed in a country of over 7,000 islands with pristine beaches, gorgeous mountains, and some of the friendliest people in the world.

The Philippines is also affordable and easy to travel through, with the majority of locals speaking English. While some of the best places to visit in the Philippines are more well-trodden, there are still so many hidden gems, too! Incorporating both into this list, these are 15 of the most beautiful places in the Philippines:

1. Bohol / Chocolate Hills

chocolate hills bohol
The Chocolate Hills of Bohol are one of the most iconic locations and natural phenomenons in the Philippines. The geological formation of the chocolate hills will leave you in awe, even more so at sunrise or sunset! With over 1,260 hills rolling into the horizon, they are covered with lush greens except during the dry season where the grass turns brown and gives the hills their name. This has to be one of the most unique landscapes in the Philippines and maybe even the world!

What to do:

  • Trek the Chocolate hills, located 2km North of Tagbilaran city center by tricycle.
  • Search for the smallest primate in the World, the tarsier.
  • Visit Hinagdanan caves en route to the hills and take a dip in the pools where hanging stalagmites reflect in the crystal clear water below.

2. Batad

Batad rice terraces the philippinesThe most mountainous region of the Philippines is Luzon. While most visit this region for the UNESCO famed Banaue rice fields, further North and roughly 30 minutes from the tourist information centre at Banaue lies Batad rice terraces, worthy of any UNESCO title in its own right! Perched dramatically against the backdrop of leafy lawns, visitors can walk and talk the rice fields, visit an impressive waterfall, and trek high to the viewpoint for sensational views overlooking the terraces.

What to do:

  • Visit and swim in Tappiya Falls, a short and steep 15-minute walk from the Batad rice terraces.
  • Trek to the viewpoint along the trail from Batad Junction that overlooks the entire panorama of the rice terraces.
  • Eat Balut, (a developing bird embryo encased in a shell) the local delicacy which is sold along most trails in the local villages that stand on stilts proudly overlooking the rice terraces.

3. Mt. Pulag

most beautiful places philippinesRelatively overlooked but undoubtedly one of the best adventures in the Philippines, no trip to Luzon is complete without visiting its highest peak, Mount Pulag! Jump into a Jeepney at Baguio city and cruise to 2,400m above sea level to reach the starting point, a small local mountain village that offers trekkers the chance to stay with a local family, before waking up at 2am to begin the 4-6 hour trek. The destination is the ‘sky of clouds’, Pulag’s Peak. Sink in the first light of the day and enjoy the highest point in the Philippines as the sun rises magnificently above the sky of clouds that dissipate below. The trek back down to the village is equally as breathtaking with rolling hills, flora and fauna and fresh mountain air.

What to do:

  • Enjoy riding the local way by jumping into a jeepney at Baguio city and ride to Kabayan, the foot of Mount Pulag.
  • For the best views, set off at 2am which should see you make the summit, “the sea of clouds” in time for sensational sunrise views
  • Take some time to explore the mountain village of Kabayan where you can sample local food, visit the market stalls and speak with the villagers

4. Boracay

philippines boracay sunset
A 4km stretch of white sand that was once voted “the best beach in the World”, the aptly named white beach on Boracay island is an absolute must for beach lovers searching for turquiose seas, white powder sands and a slice of the good life. Arriving at Caticlan jetty, visitors to Boracay can get on a boat that ferries passengers from 5am and 9pm to the island. Breakfast on the beach, water sports across the ocean, cliff jumping, inflateable playgrounds, bar crawls and golden sunsets are the order of the day!

What to do:

  • Cliff jumping at Ariels point with 5 cliff jumps ranging from 3 metres to 13 metres.
  • Sunsets don’t come more orange and hazy than in Boracay. Grab a beer and get set to enjoy simply some of the best sunsets the Philippines has to offer!
  • Kite surf on Bulabog beach where winds allow for optimal conditions!

5. Coron 

barracuda lake coronCoron is known as the shipwreck diving capital of the Philippines, if not the World and the town itself is quaint, cute and a haven for visitors looking to get their diving fix. The town is awash with diving outlets, tour companies and travelers looking to explore both above and below the Sulu sea. Coron must have some of the bluest water in the world, with  rock formations that pierce the surface and penetrate the skies.

What to do:

  • Dive the shipwrecks on a liveaboard boat.
  • Hop on either tour A, B or C and boat around the most popular spots of Coron including Kayangan Lake, Skeleton Wreck (snorkel) and the twin lagoons.
  • For a more private way to see the highlights of Coron, arrange a private charter at an affordable price and make your own itinerary for the ultimate day tour!

6. Sangat Island

philippines most beautiful places

For an off the beaten path adventure 20 mins from the hustle and bustle of Coron town, hop on a speedboat and arrange a jet ski tour through the lush mangroves and glassy blue waters on the South Eastern Cusp of Coron. Nestled amongst towering limestone cliffs, lush greenery and coconut palms, this is truly an exclusive and seclusive patch of paradise with an adrenaline fueled adventure awaiting anyone willing to make the short boat journey.

What to do:

  • Jet ski through the mangroves on either a 1 or 2 hour tour with an optional stop at a waterfall.
  • Take a dip in the natural hot springs.
  • Sangat Island offers the best and most easy access to the wrecks that give Coron the title of “shipwreck capital of the World”.

7. Snake Island, El Nido

snake island tour b

Snake Island is one of the busier destinations on the list but still more than worthy of note. El Nido is a traveler’s paradise with charming bars, restaurants and island hopping opportunities to explore the lagoons, caves and isolated beaches. Go diving, or visit one of the regions many iconic landmarks including secret lagoon, commando beach or snake island (pictured). For a more authentic way to explore rather than jumping on a tour boat, grab a kayak and row, row, row your boat to one of the many secret beaches bedded against the karst landscape.

What to do:

  • Island hopping tours – snake island is a must on the itinerary!
  • Rent a kayak from the town and head to some of the secluded lagoons and hidden beaches only a short row away.
  • Climb Taraw Cliff using a local guide who will take you to the summit with sweeping panoramas of the town stretching as far as the eye can see.

8. Nacpan Beach

philippines most beautiful places

Just a 40 minute tricycle ride from El Nido lies Nacpan Beach, arguably one of the Philippines’ best and most easily accessible beaches. Bluer than blue waters, isolated patches of sand and palm trees that layer the entire sandy boulevard, complete paradise is the order of the day. Grab a coconut or three and soak up the sun!

What to do:

  • Swim and snorkel any of the 4km stretch of ocean that lines Nacpan Beach.
  • Walk to the tip of the beach where you will find panoramic views of the twin beaches and neighbouring Calitang beach
  • Sip beers or coconuts at the resto bar

9. Bantayan Island

Philippines bantayan island dron

Way off the beaten path and still a hidden gem.  Locals will welcome you into their guesthouses with open arms for you to explore powdery, undeveloped white sand beaches, local cafes, fish markets and yes, you guessed it, skydiving! Bantayan is the only way and indeed the only place in the Philippines to try skydiving, so why not mix an off the beaten path adventure with an adrenaline-fueled one too!? If you’d rather stick to the ground, cycling between the two main towns at opposite ends of the isle gives you some local culture plus plenty of beverage stops along the way. Simply get a bus from Cebu City to Hagnaya Port and jump on the ferry across to the island!

What to do:

  • Skydive at Skydive Greater Cebu, the only skydiving centre in the Philippines!
  • Cycle between the main towns of Santa Fe and Madridejos.
  • Explore the sandbars located in Santa Fe and laze the day away.

10. Romblon

Truly dreamy

With stretches of sand as far as the eye can see, Romblon Island, Sibuyan Island, Carabao Island and Tablas Island are insanely beautiful. There you will find more locals than tourists on the secluded sands, viewpoints and off the beaten path waterfalls! Check out the sandbars of Bonbon beach and the slither of sand will leave you speechless as you walk and talk for as long as the tide allows!

What to do:

  • Get lost on the sandbars of Bonbon beach.
  • Libtong Falls located on Romblon Island offers an off the beaten path adventure with a local guide.
  • Marakay Marakay cliff jumping can be located by boat where a tiny rock island houses a platform to send it in style!

11. Siargao Island

siargao Magapunko Rock PoolsNow regarded as one of the best spots to catch waves and get your surfing fix, Siargao island is a myriad of adventure including island hopping to “Naked island”, rock pooling, caving in Tayangban, and beaches housing sunset piers and karaoke bars. There is enough to explore and experience to keep you busy for weeks and is worth a lengthy trip all by itself!

What to do:

  • Sugba Lagoon is one of the Philippines most beautful sights with cobalt blue waters housing tiny mushroom islands including a diving board platform for those looking to take a more adventurous dip.
  • Dubbed the surf capital of the Philippines, there are waves a plenty to catch for every level offering uncrowded surf areas and optimal conditions to either learn how to surf or send your best surf kicks.
  • Just less than a 20km drive from General Luna lies one of the prettiest and most epic rope swings in the World and dubbed since 2017, the palm tree rope swing. Set amongst the lush palmy landscape, this rope swing nestled above a river.

12. Malapascua Island

A tiny islet situated 6.8km across a shallow strait of North Cebu lies scuba diving to rival some of the best dive sites in the World. Dive enthusiasts from around the globe come for the rare chance to eye thresher sharks and a vast array of marine life that leaves you in awe of life on this blue planet.

  • Want to dive in the Philippines, look no further! Beautiful corals, tropical waters and the rare chance to dive with Thresher sharks await.
  • Bounty Beach is the main beach on the island but you can kick back on any of the beaches across the island if you are willing to make the 1 and a half hour walk from one end to the other.
  • Explore the lighthouse that awaits after a trek on the opposite side of the main strip housing the dive shops.

13. Kawasan Falls, Cebu

While many choose to visit Kawasan Falls due to it being one of the best waterfalls in The Philippines, for those looking for an alternative way to explore the higher parts of the falls ending in the lagoon at the bottom, look no further than canyoneering your way through valleys, enclaves and rock pools. This is Kawasan Falls with a twist! The jumps range from 2m to 12m and will be sure to get your adrenaline pumping. Be sure to save enough breath for the jaw dropping climax at the bottom of the falls after jumping your way through glassy blue rock pools housed within thick jungle vegetation.

What to do:

  • Cliff Jumping tours can be arranged in advance or upon arriving in Cebu.
  • Board a wooden raft at the foot of Kawasan Falls where locals will submerse you within and behind the falls.
  • Located a 3- 6 hour trek from Kawasan Falls, trekkers can find a stunning peak overlooking Cebu, Osmena Peak, over 1,000m above sea level with 360 degree vistas against the backdrop of step cliffs.

14. Puerto Princesa

philippines most beautiful places

Puerto Princesa is paradise in the Palawan province of the Philippines. While many use the coastal region as a gateway to El Nido, there are some serious secluded sandbars to roam in this Western part of the Philippines. Chalky white sands are married alongside lush greenery and a karst landscape awaits. We highly recommend that you also venture into what is largely recognized as the “Eighth Wonder of the World”, the subterranean underground river. Add plentiful options to dive with long-nosed dolphins into the mix of magic in Puerto Princesa and this makes for so much more than just a gateway into El Nido.

What to do:

  • Get lost on one of Puerto Princessa’s many sandbars that snake their way along the coast in the West.
  • Visit “the eighth wonder of the World”, the underground river at the UNESCO subterranean river national park.
  • Island hop by traditional fishing boat to Honda Island on the eastern shores of Palawan.

15. Island hopping

camping island hopping

Sailing in and around some of the smallest and most remote islets of the Philippines was truly awe-inspiring, island hopping at its finest. Finding places to get lost on, sandbar slices of paradise, camping on separated sands and snorkeling in some of the calmest, creamiest, clearest waters in the World were some of our favorite moments from the whole of our Philippines trip, not to mention singing Karaoke in a locals home with only the local villagers and rum to keep us company! Hop on an expedition boat for an insight into the Philippines at its most authentic, genuine and rawest form. You can read more here.

It’s tough to think of a more beautiful corner of the world than the Philippines. These 7,107 islands are regarded as some of the best in the World and for beauty and we now know why. Slices of silky sand, picturesque landscapes and adrenaline fueled adventure all to the tune of the unwavering welcome of the Filipino people make it clear, “It’s more fun in the Philippines”!

10 BEST DDoS Attack Tools in 2020 [Free/Paid]

DoS (Denial of Service) is an attack used to deny legitimate user’s access to a resource such as accessing a website, network, emails, etc. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is a type of DoS attack that is performed by a number of compromised machines that all target the same victim. It floods the computer network with data packets.

There are numerous DDoS attack tools that can create a distributed denial-of-service attack against a target server. Following is a handpicked list of DDoS Attack Tools, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source(free) and commercial(paid) software.

1) LOIC (Low Orbit ION cannon)

LOIC (Low Orbit ION cannon) is open-source software use for DDoS attack. This tool is written in C#. This tool sends HTTP, TCP, and UDP requests to the server.


  • LOIC helps you to test the performance of the network.
  • It enables you to create a DDoS attack against any site that they control.
  • Loic does not hide an IP address even if the proxy server is not working.
  • It helps you to perform stress testing to verify the stability of the system.
  • This software can be used to identify programs that may be used by hackers to attack a computer network.


2) HOIC (High Orbit ION cannon)

High Orbit Ion Cannon is a free denial-of-service attack tool. It is designed to attack more than one URLs at the same time. This tool helps you to launch DDoS attacks using HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).


  • You can attack up to 256 websites at once.
  • It has a counter that helps you to measure the output.
  • It can be ported over to Linux or Mac OS.
  • You can choose the number of threads in the current attack.
  • HOIC enables you to control attacks with low, medium, and high settings.


3) HTTP Unbearable Load King (HULK)

HTTP Unbearable Load King (HULK) is a web server DDoS tool. It is specifically used to generate volumes of traffic at a webserver.


  • It can bypass the cache server.
  • This tool helps you to generate unique network traffic.
  • HTTP Unbearable Load King (HULK) can be easily used for research purposes.


4) DDoSIM (DDoS Simulator)

DDoSIM (DDoS Simulator) is a tool that is used to create a distributed denial-of-service attack against a target server. It is written in C++ and can be used on the Linux operating system.


  • This tool indicates the capacity of the server to handle application-specific DDOS attacks.
  • It enables you to create full TCP connections to the target server.
  • DDoSIM provides numerous options to perform a network attack.
  • TCP connections can be flooded on a random network port.


5) PyLoris

PyLoris is a software product for testing network vulnerability by performing Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack online. It helps you to control poorly manage concurrent connections.


  • It provides easy to use GUI (Graphic User Interface).
  • This tool enables you to attack using HTTP request headers.
  • It has the latest codebase (collection of source code used to build a particular software system).
  • You can run PyLoris using Python script.
  • This tool supports Windows, Mac OS, and Linux.
  • It provides an advanced option having a limitation of 50 threads, each with a total of 10 connections.



The OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) HTTP Post software enables you to test your web applications for network performance. It helps you to conduct denial of service from a single machine.


  • It allows you to distribute and transmit the tool with others.
  • You can freely use this tool for commercial purposes.
  • OWASP HTTP POST helps you to share the result under the license it provides.
  • This tool enables you to test against the application layer attacks.
  • It helps you to decide the server capacity.



RUDY is a short form of R-U-Dead-Yet. It helps you to perform the DDoS attack with ease. It targets cloud applications by starvation of sessions available on the web server.


  • This is a simple and easy tool.
  • It automatically browses the target website and detects embedded web forms.
  • R-U-Dead-Yet enables you to conduct HTTP DDoS attack using long-form field submission.
  • This tool provides an interactive console menu.
  • It automatically identifies form fields for data submission.


8) Tor’s Hammer

Tor’shammer is an application-layer DDoS program. You can use this tool to target web applications and a web server. It performs browser-based internet request that is used to load web pages.


  • It allows you to create rich text markup using Markdown (a plain text formatting syntax tool).
  • Tor’s Hammer automatically converts the URL into links.
  • This app uses web server resources by creating a vast number of network connections.
  • You can quickly link other artifacts in your project.
  • It holds HTTP POST requests and connections for 1000 to 30000 seconds.



DAVOSET is software for committing DDOS attacks via abuse of any website functionality. This command line tool helps you to commit distributed denial of service attacks without any hassle.


  • It provides support for cookies.
  • This tool provides a command-line interface to perform an attack.
  • DAVOSET can also help you to hit attack using XML external entities (attack against an app that parses XML input).


10) GoldenEye

GoldenEye tool conducts a DDoS attack by sending an HTTP request to the server. It utilizes a KeepAlive message paired with cache-control options to persist socket connection busting.


  • This tool consumes all the HTTP/S sockets on the application server for the DDoS attack.
  • It is easy to use app written in Python.
  • Arbitrary creation of user agents is possible.
  • It randomizes GET, POST to get the mixed traffic.

Top 30 Bug Bounty Programs in 2020

Below is a curated list of Bounty Programs by reputable companies

1) Intel

Intel’s bounty program mainly targets the company’s hardware, firmware, and software.

Limitations: It does not include recent acquisitions, the company’s web infrastructure, third-party products, or anything relating to McAfee.

Minimum Payout: Intel offers a minimum amount of $500 for finding bugs in their system.

Maximum Payout: The Company pays $30,000 maximum for detecting critical bugs.

Bounty Link:

2) Yahoo

Yahoo has its dedicated team that accepts vulnerability reports from security researchers and ethical hackers.

Limitations: The Company does not offer any reward for finding bugs in, Yahoo 7 Yahoo Japan, Onwander and Yahoo operated Word press blogs.

Minimum Payout: There is no set limit on Yahoo for minimum payout.

Maximum Payout: Yahoo can pay $15000 for detecting important bugs in their system.

Bounty Link:

3) Snapchat

Snapchat security team reviews all vulnerability reports and acts upon them by responsible disclosure. The company, we will acknowledge your submission within 30 days.

Minimum Payout: Snapchat will pay minimum $2000.

Maximum Payout: Maximum they will pay is $15,000.

Bounty Link:

4) Cisco

Cisco encourages individuals or organization that are experiencing a product security issue to report them to the company.

Minimum Payout: Cisco’s minimum payout amount is $100.

Maximum Payout: Company will give maximum $2,500 to finding serious vulnerabilities.

Bounty Link:

5) Dropbox

Dropbox bounty program allows security researchers to report bugs and vulnerabilities on the third party service HackerOne.

Minimum Payout: The minimum amount paid is $12,167.

Maximum Payout: The maximum amount offered is $32,768.

Bounty Link:

6) Apple

When Apple first launched its bug bounty program it allowed just 24 security researchers. The framework then expanded to include more bug bounty hunters.

The company will pay $100,000 to those who can extract data protected by Apple’s Secure Enclave technology.

Minimum Payout: There is no limited amount fixed by Apple Inc.

Maximum payout: The highest bounty given by Apple is $200,000 for security issues affecting its firmware.

Bounty Link:

7) Facebook

Under Facebook’s bug bounty program users can report a security issue on Facebook, Instagram, Atlas, WhatsApp, etc.

Limitations: There are a few security issues that the social networking platform considers out-of-bounds.

Minimum Payout: Facebook will pay a minimum of $500 for a disclosed vulnerability.

Maximum Payout: There is no upper limit fixed by Facebook for the Payout.

Bounty Link:

8) Google

Every content in the, .blogger, are open for Google’s vulnerability rewards program.

Limitations: This bounty program only covers design and implementation issues.

Minimum Payout: Google will pay minimum $300 for finding security threads.

Maximum Payout: Google will pay the highest bounty of $31.337 for normal Google applications.

Bounty Link:

9) Quora

Quora offers Bug Bounty program to all users and researchers to find and report security vulnerabilities.

Minimum Payout: Quora will pay minimum $100 for finding vulnerabilities on their site.

Maximum Payout: Maximum payout offered by this site is $7000.

Bounty Link:

10) Mozilla

Mozilla rewards for vulnerability discoveries by ethical hackers and security researchers.

Limitations: The bounty is offered only for bugs in Mozilla services, such as Firefox, Thunderbird and other related applications and services.

Minimum Payout: Minium amount given by Firefox is $500.

Maximum Payout: The Company is paying a maximum of $5000.

Bounty Link:

11) Microsoft

Microsoft’s current bug bounty program was officially launched on 23rd September 2014 and deals only with Online Services.

Limitations: The bounty reward is only given for the critical and important vulnerabilities.

Minimum Payout: Microsoft ready to pay $15,000 for finding critical bugs.

Maximum Payout: Maximum amount can be $250,000.

Bounty Link:

12) OpenSSL

OpenSSL bounty allows you to report vulnerabilities using secure email (PGP Key). You can also report vulnerabilities to the OpenSSL Management Committee.

Minimum Payout: The Company pays minimum bounty rewards of $500.

Maximum Payout: The highest amount given by the company is $5000.

Bounty Link:

13) Vimeo

Vimeo welcomes any security vulnerability reporting in their products as the company pays good rewards to that person.

Minimum payout: The Company will pay minimum $500

Maximum Payout: The maximum amount paid by this company is $5000.

Bounty Link:

14) Apache

Apache encourages ethical hackers to report security vulnerabilities to one of their private security mailing lists.

Minimum payout: The minimum pay out amount given by Apache is $500.

Maximum Payout: This Company can maximum give a reward of $3000.

Bounty Link:

15) Twitter

Twitter allows security researchers and experts about possible security vulnerabilities in their services. The company encourages people to find bugs.

Minimum Payout: Twitter is paying minimum $140 amount.

Maximum Payout: Maximum amount pay by the company is $15000.

Bounty Link:

16) Avast

Avast bounty program rewards ethical hackers and security researchers to report Remote code execution, Local privilege escalation, DOS, scanner bypass amongst other issues.

Minimum Payout: Avast can pay you the minimum amount of $400.

Maximum Payout: The maximum amount offered by the company is $10,000.

Bounty Link:

17) Paypal

Payment gateway service Paypal also offers bug bounty programs for security researchers.


Vulnerabilities dependent upon social engineering techniques, Host Header

Denial of service (DOS), User defined payload, Content spoofing without embedded links/HTM and Vulnerabilities which require a jailbroken mobile device, etc.

Minimum Payout: Paypal can pay minimum $50 for finding security vulnerabilities in their system.

Maximum Payout: Maximum payout amount given by Paypal is $10000.

Bounty Link:

18) GitHub

GitHub’s runs bug bounty program since 2013. Every successful participant earned points for their vulnerability submissions depending on the severity.

Limitation: The security researcher will receive that bounty only if they respect users’ data and don’t exploit any issue to produce an attack that could harm the integrity of GitHub’s services or information.

Minimum Payout: Github pays a minimum amount of $200 for finding bugs.

Maximum Payout: Github can pay $10000 for finding critical bugs.

Bounty Link:

19) Uber

The vulnerability rewards program of Uber primarily focused on protecting the data of users and its employees.

Minimum Payout: There is no predetermined minimum amount.

Maximum Payout: Uber will pay you $10,000 for finding critical bug issues.

Bounty Link:

20) Magento

Magneto bounty program allows you to report security vulnerabilities in Magneto software or websites.


Following security research is not eligible for the bounty

  • Potential or actual denial of service of Magento applications and systems.
  • Use of an exploit to view data without authorization.
  • Automated/scripted testing of web forms

Minimum Payout: Minimum payout amount for this is bounty program is $100.

Maximum Payout: Magento is paying maximum $10,000 for finding critical bugs.

Bounty Link:

21) Perl

Perl is also running bug bounty programs. If someone found a security vulnerability in Perl, they can contact the company.

Minimum Payout: The Company pays a minimum amount of $500.

Maximum Payout: The highest amount given by Perl is $1500.

Bounty Link:

22) PHP

PHP allows ethical hackers to find a bug in their site.

Limitations: You need to check the list of already finding bugs. If you not follow this instruction your bug is not considered.

Maximum Payout: Minimum Payout amount is $500.

Minimum Payout: Maximum $1500 is given by PHP for searching important bugs.

Bounty Link:

23) Starbucks

Starbucks runs bug Bounty program to protect their customers. They encourage to find malicious activity in their networks, web and mobile applications policies.

Minimum Payout: The minimum amount paid by Starbucks $100.

Maximum Payout: The maximum amount goes up to $4000.

Bounty Link:

24) AT&T

AT&T also has its bug hunting channel. Developers and security experts can research the various platforms like websites, APIs, and mobile applications.

Minimum Payout: Minimum Amount Paid by them is $500.

Maximum Payout: There is no such upper limit for payout.

Bounty Link:

25) LinkedIn

The LinkedIn welcomes Individual researchers who contribute their expertise and time to find bugs.

The company will reward you, but neither minimum nor maximum amount is a fix for this purpose.

Bounty Link:

26) Paytm

Paytm invites independent security groups or individual researchers to study it across all platforms


  • Reports that state that software is out of date/vulnerable without a ‘Proof of Concept.’
  • XSS issues that affect only outdated browsers.
  • Stack traces that disclose information.
  • Any fraud issues

Minimum Payout: The Company will pay minimum $15 for finding bugs.

Maximum Payout: This company does not fix the upper limit.

Bounty Link:

27) Shopify

Shopify’s Whitehat program rewards security researchers for finding severe security vulnerabilities

Minimum Payout: The minimum amount paid by the Shopify is $500.

Maximum Payout: There is no fix upper limit for paying the bounty.

Bounty Link:

28) Word Press

WordPress also welcomes security researchers to report about the bugs that they have found.

Minimum Payout: WordPress Pays $150 minimum for reporting bugs on their site.

Maximum Payout: The Company does not fix a maximum limit to pay as bounty.

Bounty Link:

29) Zomato

Zomato helps security researcher to identified security-related issues with company’s website or apps.

Minimum Payout: Zomato will pay minimum $1000 for finding important bugs.

Maximum Payout: There is no maximum fix amount.

Bounty Link:

30) Tor Project

Tor Project’s bug bounty program covers two of its core services: its network daemon and browser.

Limitation: OpenSSL applications are excluded from this scope.

Minimum Payout: The minimum amount paid by them is $100.

Maximum Payout: The Company will pay you maximum $4000.

(No link available) Bounty Link:

31) Hackerone

HackerOne is one of the biggest vulnerability coordination and bug bounty platform. It helps companies to protect their consumer data by working with the global research community for finding most relevant security issues. Many known companies like Yahoo, Shopify, PHP, Google, Snapchat, and Wink are taking the service of this website to give a reward to security researchers and ethical hackers.

Bounty Link:

32) Bugcrowd

A powerful platform connecting the global security researcher community to the security market. This site aims to provide right mix and type of researcher suited according to the specific website to their worldwide clients. The hackers just need to select their reports on this site, and if they can detect right bugs, the specific company will pay the amount to that person.

Bounty Link:

13 BEST Vulnerability Assessment Scanners for Websites, Network

Following is a handpicked list of Top Vulnerability Scanning Tools , with its popular features and website links. The list contains both open source(free) and commercial(paid) software.

1) Indusface

Indusface WAS provides comprehensive dynamic application security testing tool (DAST). It combines automated scanning to detect OWASP Top 10 vulnerabilities and malware along with Manual Pen-Testing done by Cert-In certified security experts.


  • New age scanner built for single page applications
  • Authentication scans
  • Malware Scans & Blacklisting checks
  • Network vulnerability scans
  • Integrated Dashboard
  • Proof of evidence for reported vulnerabilities through proof of concepts.
  • Optional AppTrana WAF integration to provide instant virtual patching with Zero False positive
  • 24×7 support to discuss remediation guidelines/POC

2) Nessus Professional

Nessus professional is a vulnerability assessment tool for checking compliance, search sensitive data, scan IPs, and website. The tool is designed to make vulnerability assessment simple, easy, and intuitive.


  • It has advanced detection technology for more protection.
  • The tool offers complete vulnerability scanning with unlimited assessments.
  • It provides accurate visibility into your computer network.
  • Plugins which deliver timely protection benefits from new threats.
  • It allows you to migrate to Tenable solutions safely.
  • This tool deteccts SQL injection attack.


3) BeyondTrust

Beyond Trust is a free online vulnerability scanner that finds configuration issues, network vulnerabilities, and missing patches across applications, devices, virtual environments, and operating systems.


  • This tool has a user-friendly interface for streamlined vulnerability assessment, management, and content.
  • It provides patch management.
  • Improve risk management and prioritization.
  • The tool provides support for VMware that includes virtual image scanning.
  • It allows you to integrate with vCenter and scan virtual application for security.


4) Intruder

Intruder is a cloud base network vulnerability scanner for your external infrastructure. This tool finds security weaknesses in your computer systems, to avoid data breaches.


  • You can synchronize your external IPs and DNS hostnames.
  • It is a developer-friendly software which can be integrated with Slack or Jira so that team can know security issues.
  • The tool has Network View that helps you to keep track of your exposed ports and services.
  • You can receive email and Slack notifications when scans complete, and summary PDF reports emailed on a monthly basis.
  • has more than 10,000 security checks for each vulnerability scan.


5) Tripwire IP360

Tripwire IP360 protects the integrity of mission-critical systems spanning, virtual, physical DevOps, and cloud environments. It delivers critical security controls, including secure configuration management, vulnerability management, log management, and asset discovery.


  • Modular architecture that scales to your deployments and needs.
  • The tool has on prioritized risk scoring features.
  • It helps you to maximize your organization productivity via integrations with various tools you already use.
  • Accurately identify, search, and profile all assets on your network.


6) Wireshark

Wireshark is a tool which keeps watch on network packets and displays them in a human-readable format. The information that is retrieved via this tool can be viewed through a GUI or the TTY mode TShark Utility.


  • Live capture and offline analysis
  • Rich VoIP analysis
  • Compressed Gzip files can be decompressed on the fly
  • Output can be exported to plain text, XML, or CSV
  • Multi-platform: Runs on Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and many others
  • Live data can be read from PPP/HDLC, internet, ATM, Blue-tooth, Token Ring, USB, and more.
  • Decryption support for many protocols that include IPsec, ISAKMP, SSL/TLS, WEP, and WPA/WPA2
  • For quick, intuitive analysis, coloring rules can be applied to the packet
  • Read or write many different capture file formats like Cisco Secure IDS iplog, Pcap NG, and Microsoft Network Monitor, etc.


7) Paessler

Paessler security vulnerability assessment tool has an advanced infrastructure management capability. The tool monitors IT infrastructure using technologies like SNMP, WMI, Sniffing, REST APIS, SQL, and others.


  • You can monitor jFlow, sFlow, IP SLA, Firewall, IP, LAN, Wi-Fi, Jitter, and IPFIX.
  • It provides alerts via email, plays alarm audio files, or triggering HTTP requests.
  • The tool provides Multiple user web interfaces.
  • It has automated failover handling.
  • You can visualize your network using maps.
  • Paessler allows you to monitor networks in various location.
  • You can get the numbers, statistics, and graphs for the data you are going to monitor or configuration.


8) OpenVAS

OpenVAS is a vulnerability scanner that helps you to perform authenticated testing, unauthenticated testing, vulnerability testing, security testing, industrial protocols, and various high level and the low-level Internet and industrial protocols.


  • You can perform vulnerability tests with a long history and daily updates.
  • Includes more than 50,000 vulnerability tests.
  • It provides performance tuning and internal programming code to implement any type of vulnerability test you want to perform.


9) Aircrack

Aircrack is one of the handy tools required to check vulnerability and to make your Wi-Fi network secure. This tool is powered by WEP WPA and WPA 2 encryption Keys which solve vulnerable wireless connections problems.


  • More cards/drivers supported
  • Provide support to all types of OS and platforms
  • New WEP attack: PTW
  • Support for WEP dictionary attack
  • Protect you from Fragmentation attack
  • Improved tracking speed


10) Comodo HackerProof

Comodo HackerProof revolutionizes the way you test your website and app security. It includes PCI Scanning and site inspector for website scanning.


  • The tool is built with the latest technology that invites more interaction, building trust for any web site.
  • Comodo allows the user to present credentials on your website.
  • This software product provides more website credibility without changing the layout of web pages.
  • 100+ people are associated with Comodo brand.
  • Not vulnerable to popup blockers
  • It uses rollover functionality to tell visitors that the website is trusted.
  • Software interrupts your website visitors to take any actions and steal your valuable business.


11) Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA)

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) provides a streamlined procedure to find common security misconfigurations and missing security updates.


  • MBSA scan for update rollups, missing security updates, and service packs available from Microsoft Update.
  • The download is available for various languages like English, German, Japanese, and French.
  • This tool includes a command-line interface and graphical user interface that performs a local or remote scan of Microsoft Windows Systems.
  • Scans agent computer system and inform about missing security patches.
  • Places the required MBSA binaries on all MOM agents.


12) Nikto

Nikto analysis web servers for 6700+ potentially dangerous programs. This tool checks for server configuration items such as HTTP server options, the presence of multiple index files, and will attempt to identify installed web servers and software.


  • Full HTTP proxy support
  • The tool automatically finds outdated server components.
  • Save reports in HTML, plain text, CSV, XML, or NBE.
  • It has a template engine for easy report customization.
  • Scan multiple servers or multiple ports on a server.
  • Host authentication with Basic, and NTLM.
  • Authorization guessing handles any directory.


13) Solarwinds Configuration Manager

Solarwinds Configuration Manager is a software which is used to handle configs through policy management, backup, and automation. This tool reduces the time needed to manage critical changes and repetitive tasks across complex, multi-vendor networks.


  • You can locate the current configuration and instantly apply it to a replacement spare, or to roll back a blown configuration.
  • Protect your Cisco devices from malware.
  • It provides effective troubleshooting and network management to your Palo Alto Networks firewall.
  • The tool detects faults, identify, and corrects a range of configuration errors.
  • You can know devices connected to the network, their hardware, and software configurations.
  • Control who can view device details and make configuration changes and determine when network changes can occur.


14) Nexpose Community

Nexpose is a useful vulnerability management software. With this tool, you can monitor exposure in real time and adapts to new threats with fresh data.


  • Get a real-time view of risk.
  • It brings innovative and progressive solutions that help the user to get their jobs done.
  • Know where to focus.
  • Bring more to your security program
  • Provide IT with necessary details they have to fix any issues.



⚡ What is Vulnerability?

A vulnerability is cyber security term which describes the weakness in the system security design, process, implementation, or any internal control that may result in the violation of the system’s security policy. In other words, the chance for intruders (hackers) to get unauthorized access.

🔐 What is Vulnerability Assessment?

Vulnerability assessment is a software testing type performed to evaluate the security risks in the software system in order to reduce the probability of a threat.

✔️ What is the importance of is vulnerability assessment in the company?

  • Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) helps you to detect security exposures before attackers find them.
  • You can create an inventory of network device, including system information and purpose.
  • It defines risk level which exists on the network.
  • Establish a benefit curve and optimize security investments.

11 Best FREE Firewall Software for Windows [2020 Update]

Firewalls are software programs which are used to improve the security of computers. It protects a private network or LAN from unauthorized access. The purpose of having a firewall installed on your computer, phone, or tablet is to protect against malware threats that exist on the internet or other connected networks.

Following is a handpicked list of Top Free Firewall Software, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open source(free) and commercial(paid) software.

1) GlassWire Firewall

GlassWire is a free network monitor and security tool using a built-in firewall. This firewall software can see your past and present network activity.


  • Offers add-on Internet security to your computer or server by visualizing all past and present networking data
  • Allows you to block the program in one click
  • It helps you to keep track of your daily, weekly, or monthly bandwidth usage.
  • This software provides multiple remote server monitoring


2) Comodo Free Firewall

Comodo is a free firewall software that provides the technology solutions that secure and preserve that experience. The tool offers a fast and hassle-free online experience for users.


  • Offers fast and hassle-free online experience
  • Manages traffic on your PC
  • Helps you to block all types of internet attacks
  • DDP-based security keeps you informed and make your PCs safe
  • Secures all connections when you are online
  • Monitors in/out connections


3) ZoneAlarm Free Firewall

ZoneAlarm software helps you to protect your computer system by offers the best firewall solutions. It also protects your system against inbound and outbound cyber-attacks.


  • Monitors programs for suspicious activities in your computer system and shields you from hackers
  • Helps you to detect whether your PC is running a trusted operating system or a dangerous rootkit
  • Protects your private information from phishing attacks
  • Targets and prevent new and advanced attacks like data access, timing.
  • Able to tackle all kind of trick that malicious software can use to bypass personal firewall
  • Helps you to control and configure the firewall to get maximum security


4) Evorim

Evoriam is a free firewall software that identifies threats and protects the privacy of your website. This website controls every program on your computer by permit or denies access to the Internet.


  • Prevent your site invaders from gaining access to your computer
  • Regulate the access to the network and Internet according to a specific application
  • If a non-authorize program wants to access the internet, you will receive a notification immediately
  • Protects against tracking and monitoring of internet users with the help of cookies and other techniques.


5) Tinywall

TinyWall is an advanced firewall built into modern Windows systems. The software also prevents malicious programs from modifying the settings of the Windows Firewall.


  • Multiple and easy ways to whitelist programs
  • Offers firewall tampering protection
  • Easily create exceptions with the auto-learn feature.
  • Password lockdown of settings
  • Support for temporary and timed firewall
  • Hosts file protection
  • Offers an option to restrict an application to the LAN
  • Helps you to the recognition of safe software and frauds


6) AVS Firewall

AVS Firewall is used to protect your computer against hacker attacks. This firewall protection software helps you to secure your PC against malware, filter applications to prevent unauthorized intrusions.


  • Protect your PC registry every time any suspicious attempt to change the registry contents takes place.
  • Switch on the anti-banner feature and block unwanted flash advertisings, banners, and popups.
  • Offers feature of parent control making a whitelist of URLs and websites that you wants to view and work with
  • Allows you to create your own personalize firewall rules for each program and application
  • It will also enable you to view and control the traffic volume.
  • View alerts when any application tries to connect to the net from your PC.


7) Norton

Norton AntiVirus Plus is ideal for 1 PC or Mac for offers real-time threat protection against malware, spyware, phishing attacks, and other online threats. The software is designed to provide multiple layers of security for your PC or Mac, including firewall protection.


  • Real-time threat protection
  • Helps you to generate, store, and manage your passwords, credit or debit card information and other credentials
  • Helps you to monitor communications between your computer and other computers


8) Untangle

Untangle NG Firewall simplifies network security with a single, modular, software platform designed according to the need of your organization.


  • Simplified management of your dispersed networks from a single pane of glass
  • Allows you to manger your backups, auditing logs, licensing and renewals
  • Integration with endpoint security partners


9) Avast Endpoint Firewall

Avast Endpoint is a firewall protection tool that helps you to find out vulnerabilities in third-party applications. It also makes it easy to deploy patches from the Avast Business to your system.


  • Helps you to manage PCs, Macs, and servers from a single place
  • Schedule tasks in advance to make all devices control at all times
  • Prevent dangerous websites, set templates, and group devices
  • Most comprehensive reports of threats and malware
  • Invite other administrators and set personalized notifications


10) Azure Firewall

Azure Firewall provides network security to protect your network resources. It also offers a feature of threat intelligence-based filtering. It also allows preventing traffic from malicious domains and IP addresses.


  • Provides high availability and unrestricted cloud scalability
  • You can create, enforce and log application and network connectivity policies
  • Allows source and destination Network Address Translation
  • Support for hybrid connectivity through deployment behind ExpressRoute Gateways and VPN
  • Offers integrated with Azure Monitor for logging and analytics


11) Mcafee Firewall

Macfree firewalls allow your PC and other devices and closely watch network traffic. It also allows you to capture malicious programs before they reach your computer.


  • Prevent various type of viruses, malware, and ransomware from infecting your computer and mobile devices
  • Helps you to secure our firewall and block hackers from accessing your home network
  • Helps you to store and manage all your online passwords in a single location
  • Keep sensitive files private by storing them on your system with 256-bit encryption


Top 10 most dangerous Islands on earth

Most islands are safe as a vacation destination or even a home. However, there are some islands that are not even safe to even go near whether it be because of the residents or a natural occurrence. To help you steer clear of danger, here are the top 10 most dangerous islands on the planet.


North Sentinel Island is the home of the Sentinelese tribe. This tribe’s only weapons are spears and bows and arrows. The government of India, which controls the island, has deemed them the fiercest group of people on the planet.

Sea travel within five nautical miles is prohibited. The Indian government has also banned anyone from ever going within 3 miles (4.83 kilometers) of its shores. Following a 2000 tsunami, the authorities attempted an emergency food drop, but the mission was aborted after the helicopter was attacked.


Indiana Jones would not like this place. The island of Ilha de Queimada Grande is also known as Snake Island for a reason. Located off the coast of Brazil, this small isle is only 43 hectares (106+ acres).

Experts estimate that there are approximately five golden lancehead viper snakes per square foot of the island. Lancehead snakes are reported to be responsible for more deaths than any other snake in both North and South America. To date, there’s no known antivenom so avoiding this place is a good idea.


New Guinea is really a nice place to visit, but you sure wouldn’t want to be in Papua. Until 1974 the natives didn’t even know that people from other places weren’t members of rival tribes. These people live their lives in treehouses constructed roughly 140 feet high to avoid being attacked. Those who stumble into their territory are generally met with a rather long barbed arrow pointed at them until they turn themselves around and walk in the other direction. This tribe has a history of cannibalism and may still eat invaders.


People are no longer banned from Gruinard Island, but they still stay away from the place. Brit scientists were researching anthrax there in 1942. In the process, they transported 50 sheep to this remote isle off the Scottish mainland.

The sheep were bombed with anthrax. They all died within two weeks. It was not until afterwards that the scientists soon realized they could not remove the anthrax from the soil there. Thus, they put a 50-year ban on the isle. Three Russian aristocrats recently expressed an interest in purchasing it.


Saba Island is situated only 20 miles away from St. Martin. Despite that proximity, Saba Island has been trashed by more storms in the past 150 years than any other location on the planet. The statisticians confirm that this place has been hit by no less than seven category five hurricanes and an additional 10 category three hurricanes.

Despite that, the residents of Saba Island continue to welcome travelers to their island. Just be sure to avoid visiting during hurricane season. (Oh! Did we mention place also has one of the world’s most dangerous airports?)


On the Izu Islands, the ever-present poisonous gases in the air are so strong that residents must carry gas masks with them. The moment the deadly gases rise to a dangerous level a special siren sounds to let everyone know they must immediately put on their gas masks. Scientists are not 100 percent certain but they believe these poisonous gases seep up through the earth and originate from a volcano beneath the island. The residents were evacuated in 2000 and all flights to this destination were canceled for over eight years.


This would be a hard place to grow enough food to sustain oneself because the land is too rocky. This is a difficult place to even moor a boat due to all the huge cliffs along the coastline. But what makes it dangerous is that a Soviet nuclear submarine sank roughly 100 nautical miles southwest of this spot in 1989 and leaked radioactive material into the water. This may have damaged the island’s soil too. Additionally, experts think that the development of the Snøhvit gas field has also forever altered the climate.


Some sources claim the USA buried approximately 47,500 55-gallon drums full of nuclear waste on the Farallon Islands not far from San Francisco, California. Government sources state the specific location of all the barrels is unknown but reports that a number of them were buried underwater around the islands. Scientists believe that finding and removing all of these barrels would actually do more damage than leaving them in the ground. What’s worse is that a US Naval ship that could have been radioactive was also buried close to these islands.


Bouvet Island is located 1,1000 miles north of Antarctica. It’s the world’s most remote island. More than 93 percent of this 119-square-mile isle is always covered by a glacier.

Only six people live here and they work for the Norwegian Weather Service. They work there for two to four months at a time. In an emergency, help would be slow in arriving as there’s only one reliable place to moor a boat.


The Mergui Archipelago is made up of 800 small islands.
It’s situated between Myanmar (Burma) and Thailand. The islands are largely uninhabited.

The native Moken Tribe survives solely by fishing. They actually live on large wooden boats they consider their homes. Strangers who approach them will be greeted with a hail of fire arrows. Thus, the nearby governments recommend that tourists avoid the area. Sadly, the tribe is now struggling to survive but neither of the local governments is willing to aid them in acclimatizing to our modern society.

Top 10 expansive car


Coming after the Pagani Huayra, the Pagani Huayra BC is the priciest Pagani car ever made. Named as a tribute to Benny Caiola, a noted Italian investor with probably the best collection of Ferraris and a very close friend of Horacio Pagani, this car is a delight for the lovers of Pagani’s details.

Debuting at the 2016 Geneva Motor Show, this car has a wider rear track, new side tracks, and many cool aero features. Like the earlier version, the 6.0 liter V-12 bi-turbo engine of the BC is sourced from AMG, and produces 790 horsepower and 811 lb-ft torque. This power is run to the rear wheels through the tripod drive shafts leveraging a 7-speed Xtrac transmission. And the most amazing bit is that the BC takes over the Huayra by changing the model’s standard 150 milliseconds to 75 milliseconds.

At 2,685 pounds (1,218 kilograms), the BC also happens to be a lot lighter than the Huayra due to the extensive use of carbon fibres and other lightweight materials.


Originally introduced as a concept car in 2013 in memory of a deceased son of the founder of Pininfarina, the legendary Italian design house, only six of these cars have been made as of yet, thus becoming one of the most coveted cars. This is one of the costliest Ferraris ever made and is based on the Ferrari 458 Spider.

Each of the handmade units has an all-carbon-fibre frame, and is an open air luxury car with two seats. Like the Ferrari 458, it has no roof, side windows and windshield, and is 330 pounds lighter than its ancestor. This makes it smarter and quicker, though it has the same naturally-aspirated 4.5 liter F136F V-8 engine, which sends 562 hp to the rear wheels. The renovated interior also comes with a host of interesting details like aerodynamic headrests built directly into the roll cage.

The coolest fact about this car though is that the owners of each of the six models were chosen by the manufacturers themselves, making this one of the rarest of the rare invite-only vehicles.


While there has been no price announced for this car as of yet, expert estimates place it at around 3.2 million dollars. Built under Andy Palmer, the new president of Aston Martin committed to solvency and relevance with awesome cars, this model is a renovation of the old Aston Martin-Red Bull AM-RB 001.

Legend has it that Palmer agreed to this car over a drink with Red Racing’s Adrian Newey and Christian Horner. Newey, renowned aerodynamicist behind Red Bull’s expensive and award-winning sports cars in the Formula 1 tracks, devised an aerodynamic scheme specifically for this car that pushes air via the chassis, resulting in downforce without using the wings.

The 6.5 liter, naturally- aspirated V-12 designed specifically for the Cosworth, has a 1:1 power /weight ratio, and comes with a Rimac-built hybrid battery system coming with the engine which yields about a 1,000 horsepower. As of yet, 150 units of this model has been planned by the company, and the deliveries are expected to start 2019 onward. In addition, 25 track-only editions have been planned whose prices can only be speculated at present.


Upgraded four times since its releasze in 2005, the Mansory Vivere edition of the Bugatti Veyron is not only among the priciest cars of the world, but also one of the fastest.

Modelled on the Grand Sport Vitesse Roadster, this German car has an awesome lacquered carbon-fibre body along with a new spoiler package providing new diffusers, a smarter cabin and front grill, larger side scoops, a shortened hood, and the like. The upgraded LED lights are everywhere – the headlight and taillight clusters, the cockpit.

And for the aesthetically conscious, maps of history making events like the Targa Florio race and the like are laser etched into both the upholstered, carbon fiber interior, and the exterior. The 8.0 liter W16 engine of the car can produce 1,200 horsepower and 1,106 pound-feet of torque. The original version could reach up to 253 mph and was named the Car of the Decade 2000-2009.


The headlights being made of, urm, 240 15-carat diamonds, is the price very surprising? And then there are the LED blades made of 420 15-carat diamonds. And all the gems are customizable.

Looking like an armored car with scissor doors and an interior straight out of a sci-fi movie, this featured in the ‘Furious 7′, and has actually been drafted by the Abu Dhabi police for patrol duty!

Built by W Motors, based in Lebanon, this is the first Arab supercar. And it doesn’t fare badly when compared with the traditional European biggies. Apart from its awesome looks, the twin-turbo mid-rear mounted 3.8 liter flat-six boxer can produce 780 horsepower through the rear wheels, and a 708 pound-feet of torque. It can do a 62 in a mere 2.8 seconds, and can reach speeds up to 240 mph.


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Not a production car, this is more or less a street-legal version of the track-only McLaren P1 GTR. Converted by the British firm Lanzante, who bought the original P1 built by McLaren, it was made keeping in mind a select group of buyers in the U. S., Japan, U. K., and the UAE.

This car has a lot in common with the P1 GTR and the legendary McLaren F1 road car. For example, the gold plating surrounding the engine bay with a 3.8 liter twin-turbo V-8. It is much smarter than the P1 GTR. Not only does it weigh 132 pounds (60 kg0 less than the P1 GTR, but its modified rear wing and enlarged front splitter join with the dive planes to generate 40% increased downforce as compared to the P1 GTR.

The awesomeness of the aerodynamics can be witnessed where it is made for- on track, where it can produce 1000 horsepower. As of yet, only five units have been built, all of them being sold.


Built to celebrate the company’s 50th birthday, ‘Veneno’ literally means poison in Spanish, and well, the design does look deadly. Looking almost like an alien space capsule, this car can reach speeds that can give one of those a run for their money, literally. The 6.5 liter V12 with a seven-speed single clutch ISR automated manual transmission can spin at 8,400 rpm to yield 740 horsepowers and 507 pound-feet of torque, meaning that the car can do a 60 mph at 2.9 seconds!

The monoque is heavily inspired by the LP700-4 Aventador, and is made of carbon fiber. The sprung portion is placed on the top of a pushrod-actuated suspension, and its total dryweight of this carbon-fiber vehicle is a mere 3,285 pounds, although it is driven by a full all-wheel-drive system.

Only 9 units being made, the biggets problem of these cars is their crazy resells rates- one was sold at $11 millions! It was the most expensive car in the world ever produced upon its introduction, and only three being available to customers in the first lot, there was a crazy scramble to get hands on the remaining ones.


The most expensive street-legal production car in the world, this is coated with real diamonds. Yes, you read that right. ‘Trevita’ is an abbreviation translating into ‘three whites’. The carbon fibers are indeed coated with a diamond dust-impreganted resin, called the Koenigsegg Proprietary Diamond Weave. This technology transformed the fibres from the traditional black to shining, silvery white, making the bodywork of this car renowned throughout for its unique design and perfection.

And that’s not all. Beneath the coating is a 4.8 liter, dual-supercharged V8 having a total output of 1,004 horsepower and 797 pound-feet of torque. This makes it well-equipped at overtaking semis in the freeway. This car comes with a one-of-its-kind dual carbon rear wing, iconell exhaust system, airbags, ABS powered carbon ceramic brakes, paddle-shift, infotainment system, chronometer instrument cluster, tires monitoring systems along with a hydraulic system.

Only three cars of this model had been initially decided upon, before getting reduced to two, because the carbon fibre made it too difficult and time-consuming for regular manufacture.


Before you gasp at the price, do note that this car is off the markets. That’s because it was made on the recommendations of one specific customer whose name the company has refused to divulge. A company famous for its luxurious rollouts, there were only 4,000 Rolls Royce cars manufactured in 2016!

This particular exclusive car comes with its custom coach work, reminiscent of the royal carriages of yore. Probably modeled on the Wraith, this car can seat only two people (see what they mean by being exclusive?). The sunroof is fully panoramic, tapering down sharply like those of the racing yachts, as per the orders of the customer.

Something very cool about the interior handcrafted with wood and leather are the hidden attaché cases for holding laptops behind each door. Not much else is available on this most expensive car in the world, except that it is based on the 1920s and 30s models, and looks like a yacht from the back. The owner does happen to be a collector of super-yachts and private planes.


Bugatti has unveiled the “La Voiture Noire” translated as “the black car” made entirely from carbon fiber. The first one of the Limited Edition car has been sold for $19 million to Ferdinand Piech, the owner of VW group. Designed by Salome Etienne, it is inspired by its predecessors Veyron and Chiron and the pre-war Type 57SC Atlantic.

Powered by an 8 liter, 16 cylinder engine that churns out a jaw-dropping 1,500 HP the car should be able to reach above 450 km/h. Bugatti has refused to reveal its performance specifications. The front is dominated by the trademark horseshoe-shaped Bugatti grill and blends into an aerodynamically swept-back design with sloping windscreen and wrap-around tail lamps.

Top 10 banned Video games

10.  Pokemon series

Banned in: Saudi Arabia

 Unfortunately, even the cute and cuddly world of Pokemon is not safe from the gaming ban hammer. In 2001, all products of the Pokemon franchise were banned in Saudi Arabia for promoting gambling, Zionism and other religious intolerance. It is claimed the game(s) feature crosses, triangles and “the Star of David” throughout and because they are card-based games, they have been cited for gambling. In fact, in 1999, two nine-year-old boys sued Nintendo because they claimed the Pokémon Trading Card Game caused their problematic gambling!

9. Carmageddon

Banned in: Brazil, Germany and United Kingdom

Why: During the early and mid-Nineties, the gaming industry saw an explosion of violent games with Mortal Kombat, Doom and Quake bursting onto our screens. However, it was 1997’s Carmageddon which strayed a little too far over the controversial line. While the likes of Doom was “fantasy violence”, Carmageddon had players driving over pedestrians in urban streets and rewarded them for doing so. Banned for a time in Brazil, Germany and the UK, the game was released in many other countries with the pedestrians changed to non-human characters, such as zombies and robots. However, the game managed to sneak past Portuguese and Australian restrictions and hit the shelves unedited in both countries.

8. Football Manager 2005

Banned in: China

Why: This must be a joke, surely? Football, the great unifier of cultures and nations, banned? Yes, I’m afraid it’s true. Football Manager has never been short of minor hiccups due to copyright issues but FM2005 managed to find itself on the banned list in China. The reason for this was the game treated regions such as Tibet and Taiwan as individual countries separate to China. The People’s Republic of China claimed the game violated Chinese Law as it’s “content is harmful to China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity”. I look forward to FM2012, when the People’s Republic of Cork will be an independent nation.

7. Mortal Kombat series

Banned in: Brazil and Germany

Why: While many of us will remember these games fondly, however we must share a thought for German and Brazilian gamers who never had the sound of “toasty” ringing in their ears, or had their screens filled with more blood than the Friday the 13th film. Since 1992, the Mortal Kombat series has brought controversy to gaming. Over the top fight sequences and extreme graphic violence ensured the games got the publicity, but no one expected them to cause the inception of a government agency. Due to the controversy caused by the original game, the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) was conceived, requiring all video games to be rated and for these ratings to be placed on the games’ packaging.

6. Left 4 Dead 2

Banned in: Australia and Germany

Why: L4D2, the sequel to the multi-award-winning Left 4 Dead, was banned in Australia last year for being cursed with the affliction of not being suitable for under 18s. The zombie apocalypse, first-person shooter featured decapitation, dismemberment, wound detail and piles of dead bodies. Unfortunately for the game’s developers, the Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) in Australia does not have a games rating higher than MA15+. This put L4D2 in a bit of an awkward position and as a result, an extremely scaled-down version of the game was released in the Australian market. The ban caused about 170 people to march in the “Epic Zombie Lurch” protest in Sydney on 14 November last year. This was in protest of the lack of an R18+ rating for video games in Australia, for which Australian Congress is currently considering.

5. Bully (Canis Canem)

Banned in: Brazil, UK and USA

Why: In what has to be a classic example of judging a book by its cover, Rockstar Games released Bully on all home consoles to widespread condemnation. Given the title and box art, the game was immediately cited by activists, anti-bullying organisations and politicians. Groups insisted the game promoted bullying, violence and was even label a “Columbine simulator” by one activist. The game itself, however, was more about schoolyard pranks and the pressures to fit in at school. In the US, a lawsuit was filed to block the sale of the game in Florida. In the UK, Dixons Retail refused to stock the game at it’s PC World and Currys outlets and in Brazil, anyone caught selling it would face a daily fine of R$1,000 – Yikes!

4. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Banned in: Australia and USA

Why: The Grand Theft Auto series has never been a stranger to controversy. Even in the early games when the player was driving around in a Google Maps-perspective style, the central themes were robbery, violence and drugs. However, it is the later sandbox instalment of San Andreas which has caused the most uproar in the series. The game featured an almost impossible to find mini game know as Hot Coffee. The mini game portrays sexual intercourse between two characters in the game. Once this became public knowledge, the ERSB was forced to re-rate the game and pull it from shelves in about 85pc of stores. A later edited version of the game with a “cold coffee” patch forbidding players from accessing the mini game was released.

3. Call of Duty series

Banned in: Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Restricted in Russia and Cuba.

Why: Most war games are happy to try and re-enact wars from parts of history that most gamers are too young to remember (spoiler alert – the allies win). The COD: Modern Warfare series, however, introduced gamers to modern-day conflicts. It would be nice to say the games bordered on tasteless but they have crossed the border, learned the language and now live in the democratic republic of tasteless with their wife and two kids. COD4: MW has the player killing Islamic soldiers, leading to Saudi Arabia and UAE banning the game. MW2 has been harshly criticised in Russia for letting the player act as a Russian terrorist killing unarmed civilians and COD: Black Ops received condemnation in Cuba as it has special forces trying to kill a young Fidel Castro. While I understand the controversy, the games are still the best FPSs to be released in the last couple of years and Black Ops has broken sales records.

2. Postal series

Banned in: Up to 13 countries, including Australia, New Zealand and Sweden

Why: Ever heard of the phrase “Going postal”? Well, the bright sparks at Run with Scissors games decided it would be a great idea to turn this real-life tragedy into a series of games (and a movie). Postal has gamers taking control of “Postal Dude” first-person shooter style and running amok killing postal workers, civilians and armed NPCs. Run with Scissors followed up the 1997 release with 2003’s Postal 2Postal 2 faced the most ire of the public, with ramped up violence and drug and terrorist references, however, it was proven that the game could be finished without killing anyone – smart move Run with Scissors. Unfortunately for the developers, this strategy was seen through and 13 countries moved to ban the game. The US Postal Service (USPS) even sued the company to protect its good name, the court case lasted six years!

1.Manhunt series

Banned in: More than seven countries, including Germany, UK and the first game ever to be banned in Ireland under IFCO ratings

Why: Did you ever think playing Half Life 2, “Man, if I got my hands on an anti-gravity gun I could do so much damage?” Well, thankfully, that type of weapon doesn’t exist (or at least not until I can finish the blueprints). Games like Half Life 2 and Doom were fine for simulated violence, using made up monsters, weapons and settings. The Manhunt series on the other hand, allows the player to violently murder characters with household objects and provides accurate descriptions on how to do so with the most ferocity. Trying to argue that this is just video game violence is a little hard in this case and as stated above, it was the first time the Irish Film Censor’s Office (IFCO) had taken provisions to ban a game from being released in Ireland. Owning a copy of the game in New Zealand is illegal!

top 10 best games in 2020 of duty

Rating: Mature, 17+

This first-person shooter game published by Activision is the 16th overall in the Call of Duty series. It came out in October 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The storyline follows a CIA officer and British forces who team up to try to save the fictional country of Urzikstan from invasion. 


Rating: Everyone

This basketball simulation game, based on the National Basketball Association, is published by 2K Sports. It’s the 21st installment in the NBA 2K franchise, after (you guessed it) NBA 2K19. The game came out in November 2019 for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. Advertisement – Continue Reading Below3Madden NFL 20

3.madden 20

Rating: Everyone

This football simulation game published by Electronic Arts is based on the National Football League. This version, which came out in August 2019 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Microsoft Windows, is the latest in the Madden NFL series.  Advertisement – Continue Reading Below4Borderlands 3


Rating: Mature, 17+

Released in September 2019 from publisher 2K Games, Borderlands 3 is a first-person shooter action game; it shipped more than 5 million copies in its first five days. It’s the sequel to Borderlands 2, which came out in 2012, and is the fourth in the Borderlands series overall.  Advertisement – Continue Reading Below5Mortal Kombat 11

5.mortal kombat 11

Rating: Mature, 17+

This fighting game published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment came out in April 2019 for Microsoft Windows, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. It’s the 11th overall installment in the Mortal Kombat series, following Mortal Kombat X, which came out in 2015.Advertisement – Continue Reading Below6Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order war JEDI fallen order

Rating: Teen

This action-adventure game published by Electronic Arts came out for Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One in November 2019. The game takes place in the universe of Star Wars, following Jedi Padawan as he tries to complete his Jedi training and restore the Jedi Order — while action ensues. Fallen Order was the fastest-selling digital launch for any Star Wars game in its first two weeks on the market.

7.super smash bros

Rating: Everyone

Released in 2018, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is the fifth game released in the Super Smash Bros. series. By September 2019, it had sold nearly 16 million copies worldwide — making it the best-selling fighting game ever. In this game, you pick a character and attempt to knock your opponent out of an arena.

8.Kingdom Hearts III

Rating: Everyone

Released in 2019 by Square Enix for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, Kingdom Hearts III is set against various Disney and Pixar worlds. It’s the 12th installment in the Kingdom Hearts series, meant to wrap up the narrative arc that began with the first game. It sold more than 5 million copies in its first week, making it both the fastest-selling and also the best-selling installment in the series. 

9.The Division 2

Rating: Mature, 17+

Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is an online action game published by Ubisoft in March 2019 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The sequel to 2016’s The Division, this game is set in Washington D.C. as smallpox has decimated the city.

10.Mario Kart 8

Rating: Everyone

As its name suggests, Mario Kart 8 is a kart-racing video game and the eighth installment in the series. Published by Nintendo for Wii U in 2014, this game was followed up by Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, released in 2017 for the Switch. By the end of 2019, it had sold more than 22 million copies around the world, making it the system’s best-selling game ever.